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High-end Energy Equipment Manufacturing, Oil&Gas services

High-end Energy Equipment Manufacturing

The high-end equipment manufacturing segment is mainly dominated by Jinzhou NEW
JCM Machinery Manufacture Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as NEW JCM Machinery), which
specializes in manufacturing centrifugal compressors, industrial steam turbines and
complete sets thereof, taking on a key role in such homemade effort in petroleum, natural gas,
coal, chemical industry, air separation, green energy, and other fields. Its centrifugal compres-
sors have the leading position in fields as wide-ranging as synthetic ammonia, urea, metha-
nol, long-distance pipelines transporting natural gas, booster stations, gas storage, petroleum
refining, ethylene, salt chemical industry and other fields.

Meanwhile, as the only Chinese manufacturer of compressors and steam turbines on the
same line, NEW JCM Machinery has rich experience and solid performance in the field of
industrial steam turbines and power generation within 75 MW. It has successfully entered the
field of ethylene equipment localization in China and manufactured China’s first set of super-
critical carbon dioxide cycle power generation test units. Its successful operation has helped
China to achieve breakthrough in the world’s thermal power generation technology. Nowa-
days, NEW JCM Machinery has expanded its business in the core high-end equipment fields of
green hydrogen, green ammonia, green alcohol integration, compressed carbon dioxide energy storage, hydrogen energy storage transportation.

Oil & Gas Assets & Services

For the Oil&Gas services and assets, the Group owns three oil and gas fields covering an
area of 17,300 acres in Trinidad and Tobago with recoverable oil field reserves of approximate-
ly 16 million barrels and proven recoverable gas field reserves of approximately 30 billion
cubic meters. As the competitive products in the market, the seismic physical data explora-
tion&processing software and services have always been in the leading position among
private enterprises in China.

Keeping ahead in the world, the EPoffice software, independent-
ly created by Beijing PST Service Corp., has been providing integrated technical solutions for
oil and gas exploration and development. Furthermore, Sichuan Chuanyou Engineering
Surver and Design Co., Ltd. has Class-A qualifications for gas engineering and long-distance
pipelines. As an EPC contractor, it could provide a full range of technical services from design
to construction and engineering operations.


高端装备板块主要以锦州新锦化机械制造有限公司为主,其主营产品为 离心式压缩机、工业驱动汽轮机及其成套设备。担负着为石油、天然气、煤炭、 化工、空分、绿色能源等领域提供国产化系统成套设备的重任,新锦化机产品 在合成氨、尿素、甲醇、天然气管道长输、增压站、储气库、石油炼化、乙烯三 机、盐化工等细分应用领域的高端压缩机市场具有领先地位。同时,作为国内 唯一一家集压缩机和汽轮机同线生产厂商,新锦化机在75兆瓦内的工业驱 动汽轮机领域、发电领域具有丰富扎实的业绩。新锦化机成功进军乙烯三机 装置设备国产化领域,其设计并制造的超临界二氧化碳循环发电试验机组是 中国首台套,该设备的成功投运助力了我国站在了世界热力发电技术领域最 前沿。随着业务的不断拓展,新锦化机已逐步覆盖绿氢、绿氨、绿醇一体化、压 缩二氧化碳储能、氢储能运等核心高端装备领域。


油气资产和服务板块主要是集团在特立尼达和多巴哥拥有三块油气田, 占地面积达17300英亩,可开采油田储量约1600万桶,可探明开采气田储量 约300亿方;而作为集团上市拳头产品地震物理数据勘探和处理软件及服务 一直处于民营企业龙头地位,北京博达瑞恒科技有限公司独立开创的 EPoffice软件一直保持世界领先水平,并可为国内外石油公司提供油气勘探 开发一体化技术解决方案;四川川油工程技术勘察设计有限公司具有燃气工 程、长输管道甲级资质、EPC总包能力,能够向用户提供从设计到施工、从建 设到工程作业的全系列技术服务。


New JCM Machinery Manufacture Co., Ltd

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